Love God,Love Country,Love People

                    Supported by Sunrise Africa Relief

Registered charity in  Scotland SC044899

      Barlastone Park School   




Welcome to the website of our school founded by missionaries of the Unification Movement in 1984 and built by donations from Twikatane.A.A.C.Ltd a leading food manufacturer established in Zambia in 1975.

The school is situated on the outskirts of Lusaka the capital of the Republic of Zambia and lies in one of the poorest districts of the city with the main road sometimes being almost impassable in the rainy season.

The school was built slowly by building and adding one classroom per year over a period of 14 years and finally becoming a full Primary and Secondary School in 1996.

It currently caters for 461 pupils with the average size of the classes being 30 pupils.

The school charges basic fees to cover teacher salaries and administration and maintenance expenses,but depends on donations and sponsorship for development and expansion.

The school offers the final national certificate examination and pupils who achieve the grade can enter the University of Zambia for higher education.

All teachers are fully qualified and hold their Zambian Teachers Certificate.


20 microscopes for biology class room achieved  25th August,2010

grateful thanks to Edinburgh Napier University

Donations by Paypal or credit card very gratefully received towards airfreight which has already been paid for by loan!

Microscopes sent to Zambia August 2010

Please send to:

Robert Williamson

mobile: +44 (0)7720-706-498

Scottish Development Office

Microscopes  installed October 2010

   Immediate goal of sending computers achieved!

Very happy to announce that today the 29th of September,2009 a pallet weighing nearly 200 kgs,consisting of 10 computers,monitors,keyboards,etc was sent from Scotland to Zambia .

Once again a very big thank you for all those who have donated to this project in terms of donations and equipment.

The school progress can also be followed on the social networking site Facebook and as a cause has already attracted nearly 500 supporters!.

Robert Williamson

Scottish Development Support Office

Teaching computer studies December 2009

Thank you for your donation.

All donors will have their names recorded in the school's book of donors.

All visits to the school are most welcome.


ザンビア共和国にて歩んだ世界基督教神霊協会の宣教師によって1984 年に設立されたバーラストン学校のwebsiteにようこそ!具体的建設は現地の宣教の土台となっているTwikatane A.A.C.Ltd(トィカタニ株式会社)によりなされました。


現在、46 1 人の生徒たちに学習の場を提供し、平均的に一クラス30人の生徒がいます。





緊急に必要なのは 2 000ポンドです。



We are currently in need of funds to build a new science block at the school.The sum required is $15,000.

All donations for this project are gratefully received.



Site updated on 23-31 January 2020

Science class now installed March,2011  Equipment donated by IRFF Sweden